Monday, November 8, 2010

Cutting Off the Warning Signal

Couple of years ago I woke up in the morning with blood dripping from three openings in my body. After playing cool for several days, hoping the strange condition would somehow go away, we rushed to the ER. There I was given an antibiotic and a referral to a specialist.

- The doctor is your fellow Russian - they said, and I was looking forward to the comfortable and easy communication only your mother tongue can provide.

The Russian doctor listened attentively to my story and than said:
- I will give you this drug. It will alleviate your symptoms, just your urine will turn orange.

For a moment a crazy thought popped in my head that being my fellow countryman, the doctor took the liberty to make a joke. I prepared my face for a smile, but he was dead serious. Being a modern medical professional that was exactly what he was supposed to do – to address my symptoms.

Most of the people I know when facing a medical issue, go through a similar eye opening experience: every other condition is already studied and defeated by the medical science; it is only my allergy, skin rash, irritable bowel syndrome, frozen shoulder, etc... is so mysterious and so hard to cure. Therefore, instead of helping the body to overcome the condition, a pill is prescribed to “take it under control” or to “alleviate its symptoms”.

From TV screens silver-haired models and celebrities happily confess that with this drug they can garden and dance in spite of debilitating arthritis.
- But the underlying cause is still there - I scream in my mind - You just cut off the warning signal!

I recently met a former colleague of mine who had been diagnosed with diabetes and whose wife (as I heard) tried to address it through a better diet. I felt very sympathetic to these attempts and asked the guy, how the diet worked for him.

- Oh, no - he happily replied - I am now on a very advanced new medication. It introduces insulin at the cellular level and I can eat ANYTHING I LIKE! 


I could not look into his smiling face. The picture I immediately visualized was like this:
A powerful drug vigorously replaces the weak bodily mechanism, so it quietly degrades without a single warning sign. And then all sorts of poisonous foods freely interfere and finish the deadly job.

My former co-worker saw not much difference between treatment and cure. By taking the drug he deemed himself healthier. In fact the distance between these concepts became vast nowadays, and he was getting sicker.

I probably sound overly skeptical and ungrateful. I do remember that many people have only one alternative to medications, and that is - to squirm in pain. Giving them comfort and some quality of life is absolutely precious.

But for the rest of us taking a pill for a life-time   seems deeply controversial. No one can get a new body as soon as the old one is totally disrupted.

And this unique though imperfect and vulnerable body is doomed, if challenged in so many ways:
  • by careless lifestyle
  • by drug deposits accumulated through years 
  • by their unpredictable interactions, no doctor will take responsibility for
and, on top of this
  • by suppressing symptoms instead of treating their root-causes.

This I have received last week. I think it is worth sharing:

Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally

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